MrM Eightball Glossary

3D Model
A 3D model is a digital representation of the shape of a real-life object in video games. On the technical level, a 3D model consists of points each having a coordinate in tree-dimensional space (x, y and z). The data that describes a 3D model, such as the coordinates of the points the 3D model consists of, is stored in files using various file formats, such as .fbx, .blend, .3ds, etc. Unity only supports the following formats: .fbx, .dae, .dxf, .obj
Lesson 1-1 : 11:21
Lesson 1-3 : 04:31
Lesson 3-1 : 05:12
Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio of an image or a physical screen is the ratio of the width to the height. Aspect ratio is closely tied to image/screen resolution in that multiple resolutions can have the same aspect ratio. For example, the Full HD and 4K are two example of image/screen resolution that have the same aspect ratio, which is 16:9
Lesson 1-2 : 24:34
Lesson 6-1 : 02:12
In Unity, the Bounciness of a physic material refers to the property that determines how much an object will bounce when it collides with another surface. The Bounciness is a value between 0 and 1, where 0 represents No Bounciness; and 1 represents Maximum Bounciness.
Lesson 3-3 : 01:22
C# Dictionary
In C#, a dictionary is a collection that stores key-value pairs. Similarly to arrays, Dictionaries can store a bunch of data values. However, while each value stored in an array is associated with an index, in Dictionaries, each value is associated with a key. The main difference between an array index and a Dictionary key is that the while an array index can only be a non-negative integer number, Dictionaries allow you to use any data type for the key.
Lesson 10-2 : 09:50
Lesson 10-4 : 01:41
C# Properties
In C#, a property is effectively a member variable of a class. Properties can be used as if they were public data members, while also allowing to restrict access from outside the class they belong to.
Lesson 4-8 : 18:18
Lesson 5-3 : 03:35
Lesson 7-3 : 06:58
Lesson 9-2 : 10:00
Caching in programming refers to the process of storing copies of data in a temporary storage location, called a cache, so that future requests for that data can be served faster. Caching helps improve the efficiency and performance of applications by reducing the need to repeatedly fetch data from a slower storage or compute it from scratch.
Lesson 2-2 : 01:46
Lesson 2-2 : 05:50
Lesson 2-5 : 17:02
Lesson 4-1 : 05:55
Lesson 4-3 : 07:05
Lesson 4-3 : 24:20
Lesson 4-7 : 02:19
Lesson 4-8 : 07:40
Lesson 5-4 : 13:27
Lesson 6-1 : 11:58
Lesson 7-3 : 08:29
In Unity, a callback is a method that gets called by the Unity Engine when a certain event happens. What sets callbacks apart from regular methods is that you normally do not invoke callbacks directly; instead, that is done by a separate system, for example, the Unity Engine. An example of a Unity callback is the Awake method. If you add code to the Awake method, that code will be executed by the Unity Engine at the very start of the program.
Lesson 2-1 : 03:30
Lesson 2-1 : 04:25
Lesson 2-2 : 03:30
Lesson 2-5 : 12:30
Lesson 4-2 : 05:39
Lesson 4-6 : 14:32
Lesson 4-8 : 01:50
Lesson 4-9 : 02:38
Lesson 5-3 : 00:31
Lesson 7-6 : 05:02
Lesson 8-5 : 02:20
Lesson 8-11 : 11:55
Lesson 11-1 : 03:07
Canvas is a Unity component responsible for rendering (displaying) UI (user interface) elements, such as buttons, text captions, etc. A UI element that does not have a Canvas component as its parent (direct or indirect) will not be rendered.
Lesson 2-5 : 01:30
Lesson 6-1 : 02:05
Lesson 8-6 : 04:54
Lesson 8-9 : 13:54
Canvas Group
Canvas Group is a Unity component that allows to control the visibility and interactivity of a group of UI elements, as opposed to doing that individually for each UI component. We use this feature in this project to create pop up panels such as game menu, spin and elevation controls.
Lesson 4-5 : 10:30
Canvas Scaler
Canvas Scaler is a Unity component responsible for adjusting UI to various screen resolutions, which is especially critical for mobile games. In order to work properly, a Canvas Scaler needs a reference resolution, which is the screen resolution relative to which the UI will be scaled on an actual device. In this project, we use the Full HD (1920×1080) resolution as our reference resolution.
Lesson 2-5 : 02:16
Lesson 8-11 : 00:57
Collider is a Unity class. When a Collider instance is attached to a game object in the scene, it is used to define the boundaries of the game object in the Scene. It’s worth mentioning that a 3D model that represents the visual shape of an object does not define the boundaries of that object for, say, the Physics system, which is why in some games you might see bugs when objects pass through other objects. Preventing such bugs is one of the use cases for colliders.
Lesson 1-2 : 17:48
Lesson 3-1 : 04:28
Lesson 3-3 : 10:20
Lesson 7-6 : 04:02
In Unity, a coroutine is a special type of method that allows you to pause its execution and then continue from where it left off on the next frame. Coroutines are useful for executing code over several frames, which might be necessary for tasks such as animations, delays, or sequences of actions that need to happen over time.
Lesson 5-3 : 07:57
Lesson 5-4 : 00:13
Lesson 7-7 : 12:50
Lesson 8-2 : 06:30
Lesson 8-4 : 05:37
Lesson 10-8 : 00:13
Lesson 11-2 : 01:25
Custom Game Event
In Eightball Pool project, we use a custom game event system that relies on ScriptableObject assets. The main benefit of using this event system is minimizing direct referencing in the inspector, which creates rigid connections making the entire system harder to modify. You can read more about this game event system here.
Lesson 4-6 : 07:30
Lesson 4-9 : 10:43
Lesson 4-11 : 11:47
Lesson 7-3 : 07:44
Lesson 7-6 : 00:39
Lesson 8-2 : 12:08
Lesson 9-2 : 06:17
A delegate in C# is essentially a data type that allow you to treat methods as if they were variables. For instance, delegates allow you to pass methods to other methods as parameters.
Lesson 6-2 : 13:15
Lesson 7-3 : 23:35
Lesson 7-5 : 03:14
Lesson 11-1 : 08:12
Direction Vector
A direction vector is a vector whose magnitude is 1, which makes the magnitude of the vector effectively non-essential.
Lesson 3-2 : 08:44
Lesson 4-2 : 06:20
Drag & Angular Drag
In Unity, (linear) drag and angular drag are properties of the RigidBody component that can be attached to game objects in the Scene. Both drag and angular drag are used to slow down a moving RigidBody. However, while drag affects the linear velocity of the object (by how much the position of the object changes over time), angular drag affects the angular velocity (how fast the object rotates).
Lesson 3-3 : 13:06
Edit Mode
In Unity, there’re essentially two different modes: Edit Mode and Play Mode. You can make changes to the scene in both Edit and Play modes, but the changes you make in Play Mode do not get saved (serialized). When you hit Play in the Unity Editor, you enter Play Mode, and when you press Stop, you exit Play Mode and enter Edit Mode.
Lesson 2-4 : 00:45
Lesson 8-6 : 15:33
In C#, an enum is a data type that allows you to assign meaningful labels to integer numbers, which helps make your code more readable.
Lesson 2-2 : 14:27
Lesson 7-1 : 02:59
Lesson 7-3 : 06:31
Lesson 8-10 : 07:07
Lesson 10-7 : 00:47
Frame and Frame rate
Any video game can be viewed as an interactive animated video, meaning a video whose contents depend on the player’s actions (input). Any video is a series of static images that are shown at a certain speed to create an illusion of motion, meaning if the static images change quickly enough, to the human eye they won’t appear as separate images. Each image in a video is called a frame; and the speed at which the images change is called frame rate, which is measured in the number of frames per second. For example, 30fps means that 1 second of the video contains 30 frames.
Lesson 2-1 : 05:00
Lesson 2-2 : 00:49
In Unity, friction is a property of a PhysicMaterial that simulates the resistance encountered when one object slides or rolls over another object. Friction is essential for creating realistic physics interactions within your game environment.
Lesson 3-3 : 07:21
Generics or generic classes are classes whose member variables do not have to have a pre-defined data type, which allows generic classes to work with multiple data types depending on the situation. One of the most widely used generic classes in Unity is the class List that allows you to use one single class to create List objects that can store various data types, for example List<int> or List<string>
Lesson 2-1 : 12:10
Graphic Raycaster
In Unity, a Graphic Raycaster is a component used to intercept raycasts from the mouse, touch, or other input devices against 2D and 3D graphics in the scene. It is primarily used in conjunction with UI elements (such as Canvas and UI components) to determine which UI elements the user interacts with. Note that Graphic Raycaster does not interact with non-UI game objects. In order to cast rays against non-UI object, you need to use the Physics Raycaster.
Lesson 2-5 : 03:45
Lesson 4-3 : 03:47
Lesson 4-7 : 04:07
Lesson 8-6 : 00:29
Lesson 8-9 : 03:44
In C# (as well as in other object-oriented programming languages), an interface is a data type, similar to classes. However, while classes can be used to describe both properties and behaviors of the object, interfaces typically describe behavior only. On the other hand, while a class cannot inherit from more than one class (in C#), it can implement multiple interfaces. In Unity, interfaces are widely used to enable developers write code that makes in-game objects interact with the Unity Engine.
Lesson 2-5 : 12:47
Lesson 4-6 : 15:48
Lesson 4-7 : 00:38
Lesson 4-8 : 01:45
Lesson 11-1 : 02:57
Lambda Expression
A lambda expression in C# is a concise way to define anonymous methods, meaning methods that do not have a name and are not meant to be called more than once. It provides a shorthand syntax for writing inline functions without explicitly defining a separate method.
Lesson 7-3 : 23:50
Lesson 7-5 : 04:48
Layer & Layer Mask
In Unity, a layer is simply put a number associated with game object in the scene, which serves as one of the means to categorize those objects for various purposes, such as collision or raycasting. Layer masks allow you to use those layers in code. For more information, refer to this YouTube video.
Lesson 4-4 : 15:57
Lesson 5-3 : 01:15
Lesson 7-6 : 05:44
Lesson 8-5 : 04:37
Lesson 8-7 : 01:01
Lesson 12-1 : 04:30
Lighting in Unity is a critical aspect of creating realistic and immersive 3D scenes. It involves the simulation and rendering of light sources, shadows, reflections, and other lighting effects to enhance the visual quality and atmosphere of your game or application.
Lesson 4-2 : 09:47
While the 3D model defines the object’s shape, and textures define the object’s colors, materials are what bring the two together. This means that a texture cannot be directly assigned to a 3D model. Instead, textures get assigned to materials, and materials are assigned to 3D models represented by 3D meshes.
Lesson 1-1 : 21:11
Lesson 1-3 : 05:05
Lesson 3-3 : 00:40
Lesson 4-2 : 09:08
Lesson 5-1 : 00:39
Lesson 5-4 : 19:33
Metallic Map
In Unity, a Metallic Map is a texture map used in the Standard Shader to control the metallic property (how metal-like (shiny) the object is) of materials.
Lesson 5-1 : 01:58
Method Overloading
Method overloading in C# allows you to define multiple methods with the same name but with different parameter lists within the same class. This feature enables you to provide different implementations of a method based on the types and/or number of parameters passed to it.
Lesson 4-7 : 18:14
Modularity in software architecture refers to the practice of breaking down a complex system into smaller, independent, and interchangeable modules or components. These modules encapsulate specific functionality, have well-defined interfaces for interaction, and can be developed, tested, and maintained independently. Modularity is a fundamental principle that promotes flexibility, scalability, reusability, and maintainability in software development.
Lesson 4-4 : 07:31
Lesson 4-6 : 05:42
Lesson 4-7 : 20:28
MonoBehaviour is a top-level class in Unity, which allows the objects of the classes that inherit from MonoBehaviour to be attached to game objects in the scene as components. In other words, non-MonoBehaviour objects cannot act as components and consequently, such objects cannot be attached to game objects in the scene.
Lesson 2-1 : 02:23
Lesson 2-1 : 09:50
Lesson 2-4 : 10:04
Lesson 4-6 : 09:38
Lesson 7-1 : 02:23
Lesson 7-7 : 27:59
Normal Map
A normal map is a special type of texture that is used to create additional details by faking small elements on the surface of the object that are not covered by the 3D model. Normal maps help reduce the complexity of the 3D model by removing small details and faking those details instead.
Lesson 1-1 : 27:08
Lesson 1-3 : 04:34
Lesson 5-5 : 14:27
Nullable Type
In C#, a nullable type allows a variable to hold either a normal value of its type or a null value. This is particularly useful when you need to represent the absence of a value or when a value might legitimately not exist. Nullable types were introduced to handle scenarios where value types (such as int, float, bool, etc.) couldn’t traditionally hold a null value, unlike reference types (like classes) which can be null.
Lesson 7-5 : 08:23
Lesson 8-8 : 01:23
Lesson 8-9 : 07:26
Occlusion Map
In Unity, an occlusion map, is a texture or data structure used to optimize rendering performance by determining which objects or parts of objects are occluded (hidden) from view. This technique helps improve frame rate and rendering efficiency by reducing the number of objects that need to be rendered in a scene.
Lesson 5-1 : 01:42
OOP Class
An OOP class is code that can be used to create OOP objects. The class defines the data structure of the resulting objects as well as their behavior. For more information, please refer to the OOP Video Series on our YouTube Channel.
Lesson 1-1 : 16:37
Lesson 2-2 : 08:26
Parent-Child Relationship
A Scene in Unity is hierarchical, meaning the game objects in the scene can contain other game objects, which in turn creates the so-called parent-child relationship, where the object that contains other objects is the parent for the objects it contains (children). One of the implications of the parent-child relationship is that the position, rotation, and scale of the child objects depend on the corresponding properties of the parent object.
Lesson 1-2 : 19:20
Lesson 2-1 : 18:12
Lesson 3-1 : 28:30
Lesson 3-3 : 17:34
Physic Material
In Unity, a PhysicMaterial is used to adjust the physical properties of a Collider, which determines how it interacts with other colliders in the game world. Physic materials are particularly useful for fine-tuning the behavior of objects during collisions, including their friction and bounciness.
Lesson 3-3 : 00:20
Lesson 4-11 : 03:15
Physics Raycaster
In Unity, a Physics Raycaster is a component that casts a ray into the scene and interacts with physics objects. It allows you to detect collisions between the ray and colliders, providing information about what the ray hits.
Lesson 4-3 : 04:15
Physics Update
In Unity, the physics update refers to the process by which the physics engine calculates and updates the positions, velocities, and interactions of objects in the scene based on physical simulations. Physics Updates can happen at a frame rate other than that of the visual rendering system, meaning there can be multiple physics updates per each visual frame.
Lesson 3-1 : 13:35
Lesson 3-2 : 16:43
Lesson 3-3 : 10:37
Lesson 4-8 : 02:44
Pivot Point
The Pivot point of an object is an imaginary point that defines the object’s position and its center of rotation. In Unity, the pivot point of an object in the scene is represented by the object’s Transform component.
Lesson 1-3 : 09:41
Lesson 2-1 : 16:08
Lesson 4-3 : 20:52
Lesson 4-4 : 06:07
Lesson 4-5 : 09:10
Lesson 8-1 : 11:07
Lesson 8-2 : 03:48
Play Mode
In Unity, there’re essentially two different modes: Edit Mode and Play Mode. You can make changes to the scene in both Edit and Play modes, but the changes you make in Play Mode do not get saved (serialized). When you hit Play in the Unity Editor, you enter Play Mode, and when you press Stop, you exit Play Mode and enter Edit Mode.
Lesson 2-4 : 00:22
Lesson 2-5 : 30:15
Lesson 3-2 : 14:50
Lesson 5-2 : 13:12
Lesson 8-1 : 15:53
Lesson 8-8 : 08:25
A prefab is a Unity Game Object that can be used as a reusable asset. In a way, a prefab is similar to a class in OOP: prefabs don’t do anything unless they are instantiated in the Scene. Using prefabs makes it easier to create similar objects across multiple scenes without directly duplicating those objects, which is particularly helpful when you need to modify all of the instances (copies) of the prefab at once.
Lesson 1-1 : 15:55
Lesson 1-3 : 06:40
Lesson 5-1 : 09:51
Lesson 8-9 : 05:06
Lesson 8-11 : 02:07
Lesson 9-1 : 07:44
Lesson 9-2 : 02:55
Lesson 9-5 : 03:01
Lesson 11-1 : 11:01
Prototyping in software development refers to the practice of creating early, simplified versions of a system or specific features to gather feedback, validate concepts, and explore potential solutions. We take this approach in this course by for example starting off with simple UI elements and replacing them over time.
Lesson 2-4 : 16:53
Lesson 2-5 : 05:55
Lesson 5-5 : 07:20
Lesson 7-2 : 05:43
In Unity, a Quaternion is a mathematical representation used to represent rotations in 3D space. It is a data structure that encapsulates an orientation or rotation relative to the coordinate system axes (x, y, z). Quaternions are preferred over Euler angles for representing rotations due to their advantages in avoiding gimbal lock and providing smooth interpolation between rotations.
Lesson 4-4 : 26:20
Lesson 4-7 : 06:55
Lesson 4-11 : 01:42
Lesson 7-7 : 29:05
Raycasting in Unity refers to the process of casting an invisible ray (a straight line) from a specific point into the scene to detect colliders and gather information about objects along the path of the ray. Raycasting is a fundamental technique used in game development for a variety of purposes, including physics simulations, object interaction, AI behavior, and more.
Lesson 4-3 : 03:30
Lesson 5-5 : 05:41
Lesson 10-2 : 00:34
Rect Transform
In Unity, a RectTransform is a component used primarily with UI elements to control their position, size, anchoring, and alignment within the Canvas. Unlike regular Transform components that are used for 3D GameObjects, RectTransforms are specifically designed for 2D UI elements and provide additional properties and methods tailored for UI layout and interaction.
Lesson 4-5 : 05:28
Lesson 4-7 : 03:20
Lesson 6-1 : 05:08
Lesson 8-1 : 11:18
Lesson 8-9 : 00:49
Refactoring or code refactoring is changing how the code is written without changing what the code does. Refactoring is usually done to improve the code’s performance, or improve the code structure to make the code more reusable, more readable, more maintainable. Some examples of code refactoring are caching, breaking the code into multiple methods and classes, renaming variables, methods and classes to make the code more self-explanatory.
Lesson 2-2 : 00:32
Lesson 2-2 : 07:00
Lesson 2-4 : 02:45
Lesson 4-3 : 00:54
Lesson 6-2 : 00:42
Lesson 7-3 : 09:31
Referencing is essentially creating links between objects in a Unity project by assigning one to the other in the Inspector panel.
Lesson 1-1 : 20:10
Lesson 2-4 : 11:00
Lesson 2-5 : 25:40
Lesson 4-1 : 09:17
In Unity, a RigidBody component is used to simulate physics interactions for GameObjects in a 3D environment. It allows GameObjects to respond to forces like gravity, collisions with other objects, and interactions with forces applied through scripts or physics simulations.
Lesson 3-1 : 02:00
Lesson 3-2 : 01:03
Lesson 4-4 : 01:49
Lesson 4-4 : 12:35
Screen Resolution
Screen resolution is the width and height of a physical screen in pixels. For example, the Full HD resolution is 1920-by-1080, which means it’s 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall. In other words, screen/image resolution is the size of a physical screen/image in pixels.
Lesson 1-2 : 25:54
Lesson 2-3 : 04:40
Lesson 2-5 : 02:26
Lesson 4-5 : 05:36
Lesson 6-1 : 01:09
Screen Space
In Unity, Screen Space refers to the coordinate system used for rendering and positioning objects relative to the screen or viewport of the game. Unlike World Space, Screen Space is two-dimensional and does not have a Z-coordinate.
Lesson 2-3 : 03:15
Lesson 2-5 : 02:00
In Unity, a ScriptableObject is a versatile data container that allows you to store large amounts of shared data independent of GameObjects. Unlike MonoBehaviour scripts that are attached to GameObjects and are typically used for behavior and logic, ScriptableObjects are primarily used for storing and managing data assets.
Lesson 4-6 : 09:35
Serialization in Unity refers to the process of converting complex data types or objects into a format that can be easily stored, transferred, and reconstructed. Unity uses serialization extensively for saving game data, managing assets, and transferring data between different parts of the game engine.
Lesson 2-4 : 13:55
Lesson 2-5 : 22:37
Lesson 4-2 : 22:37
Lesson 9-6 : 02:37
Shaders in Unity are essential for rendering graphics and visual effects in real-time. They define how the surfaces of 3D models are rendered, determining aspects like color, texture, lighting, and more. Shaders essentially define the properties of Materials that can be edited in the Unity Editor.
Lesson 4-2 : 10:34
Lesson 5-4 : 06:34
Sprite Sheet
In Unity, a sprite sheet refers to a single image file containing multiple smaller images (sprites) arranged in a grid. This technique is often used to optimize performance by reducing the number of draw calls and improving memory usage.
Lesson 8-1 : 20:08
String Interpolation
String interpolation in C# allows you to embed expressions directly into string literals(double quotation marks), making it easier to create strings with dynamic content. It’s more readable and less error-prone than traditional string concatenation.
Lesson 4-3 : 17:24
Lesson 4-9 : 07:03
Lesson 7-6 : 09:55
In C#, a struct is a value type that can encapsulate data and related functionality. It is similar to a class, but there are important differences in how they are used and how they behave in memory.
Lesson 2-2 : 08:23
Lesson 8-3 : 08:23
Lesson 9-2 : 10:35
TextMesh Pro (TMP) is a popular asset for handling text in Unity, offering enhanced text rendering and flexibility compared to Unity’s built-in text components.
Lesson 4-5 : 02:58
Lesson 8-1 : 16:32
Lesson 8-4 : 01:16
Lesson 8-9 : 04:25
Lesson 12-2 : 07:16
A texture is simply put an image that can wrap around a 3D model to give the latter visual details. Simply put, the 3D model represents the shape of an object, while the texture represents the color(s) of the object.
Lesson 1-1 : 12:02; 20:50
Lesson 1-3 : 04:33
Lesson 5-1 : 00:48
Transform is a Unity class. Each game object in the scene has its own Transform component represented by an instance of the Transform class. The Transform component defines the position, rotation and scale of the game object it’s attached to.
Lesson 1-2 : 06:28
Lesson 4-1 : 03:58
Lesson 4-4 : 05:15
In Unity, both triggers and colliders are components used for detecting interactions between GameObjects in a 3D or 2D environment. One major difference between the two is that Triggers do not cause physical interactions like collisions (i.e., they do not stop or bounce objects), but they are useful for detecting events based on proximity.
Lesson 7-6 : 04:51
Lesson 8-6 : 15:25
Type Casting
Type casting in C# involves converting a variable from one type to another. This process is necessary when you want to treat a variable as another type temporarily or permanently.
Lesson 4-7 : 12:31
Lesson 8-5 : 09:52
Lesson 9-2 : 12:12
Lesson 10-7 : 03:43
Unity Camera
In Unity, the Camera is a fundamental component that defines what and how the player sees the game world. It determines the view frustum, which dictates the portion of the scene that is visible, and handles aspects such as rendering, perspective, and culling.
Lesson 1-2 : 05:29
Lesson 4-5 : 01:04
Lesson 12-2 : 00:15
Unity Spaces
In Unity, “spaces” generally refer to different coordinate systems or contexts within which positions, rotations, and scales are defined and interpreted. There’re essentially two types of spaces: Screen and World. However, each can be further categorized into Global and Local.
Lesson 2-2 : 13:13
Lesson 2-5 : 19:53
Lesson 3-1 : 17:08
Lesson 3-2 : 03:30
Lesson 3-2 : 07:37
Lesson 3-3 : 06:17
Lesson 4-1 : 02:20
Lesson 4-2 : 02:13
Lesson 4-3 : 05:48
Lesson 4-4 : 11:41
Lesson 4-7 : 21:44
Lesson 4-8 : 00:31
Lesson 4-8 : 02:21
Lesson 7-7 : 24:43
Lesson 8-6 : 04:57
Lesson 8-7 : 02:26
Unity Tag
In Unity, tags are identifiers that you can assign to GameObjects to categorize them and facilitate management and interaction within your scenes. Tags are useful for quickly identifying GameObjects that serve specific roles or purposes without relying on their names or hierarchy. Conceptually, tags are similar to layers but in practice tags are usually assigned to individual objects while layers are generally assigned to groups of objects. In addition, while layers are represented by integer numbers, tags are represented by strings.
Lesson 4-1 : 03:07
Lesson 4-3 : 08:31
Lesson 4-4 : 16:04(conceptual difference)
Vector Coordinates
Vector coordinates is a set of numbers that represent to location of the end point of the vector. In a 2-D space, vector coordinates are represented by two numbers (x and y), while in a 3-D space–by three numbers (x, y and z).
Lesson 3-2 : 05:32
Vector Magnitude
The magnitude of a vector is basically its length. Any vector can be represented as Direction Vector * Magnitude
Lesson 3-2 : 06:22
Lesson 4-2 : 08:25
In Unity, Vector3 is a fundamental structure used to represent a point or direction in 3D space. It encapsulates three components: x, y, and z, which correspond to the coordinates along the x, y, and z axes respectively.
Lesson 2-2 : 08:14
Lesson 2-2 : 09:46
Lesson 2-3 : 05:55
Lesson 2-3 : 06:55
Lesson 2-5 : 21:45
Lesson 3-3 : 13:35
Lesson 5-5 : 08:03
A vector is a essentially a pointed line that has (1) length and (2) direction. Vectors are represented using coordinates.
Lesson 3-2 : 04:30
Lesson 3-2 : 07:04
Lesson 4-2 : 03:26
Lesson 4-8 : 06:24
Lesson 4-10 : 07:22
Lesson 4-10 : 12:02
Lesson 8-2 : 02:00
Lesson 8-5 : 24:18
Lesson 9-3 : 02:42
Lesson 10-2 : 07:27
Lesson 10-3 : 08:58
Lesson 10-4 : 12:01
Lesson 10-6 : 03:27
Lesson 10-7 : 13:34